
Wan-Ju Cheng


中國醫藥大學附設醫院  精神醫學部  主治醫師
兼任社區精神科 主任、成癮研究中心 副主任
Attending Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, China Medical University Hospital
Director of Community Psychiatry, and Deputy Director of Center for Drug Abuse and Addiction
中國醫藥大學 公共衛生系  教育部定副教授
Associate professor, Department of Public Health, China Medical University


國立陽明大學 醫學士
M.D., National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
國立台灣大學 健康政策與管理研究所  博士
Ph.D., Institute of Health Policy and Management, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 

精神官能症: 恐慌症、焦慮症、強迫症、憂鬱症、壓力反應

台北市立聯合醫院  優良醫師
台灣大學公共衛生學院  傑出畢業生
台灣酒駕防制協會 論文獎
台灣睡眠醫學會第14次年會 壁報論文獎
台灣大學 傑出畢業論文獎
台灣生物精神藥理學會 2016年會壁報論文獎
亞洲神經精神藥理學會第5屆年會  壁報論文獎
台灣精神醫學會 保羅楊森思覺失調症論文獎



  1. Cheng WJ, Liu HC, Huang MCOlanzapine Monotherapy for Late-onset    Vocal Tics in a Schizophrenic Patient. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2007 Dec;    61(6):700-701. (letter with original data)(SCI) 全文
  2. Cheng WJ, Huang MC, Huang PH, Gau YF, Chen CH. The Chinese version of the severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire: reliability and factor structure. Taiwanese J Psychiatry. 2009;23 (2):159-66. (Brief communication)(TSSCI) 全文
  3. Yang MS, Cheng WJ, Huang MC. Dose-related Hyperprolactinemia Induced by Venlafaxine. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry2009 Jan 15;33(4):733-4. (Letter to the editor)(SCI) 全文
  4. Cheng WJ, Cheng Y, Huang MC, Chen CJ. Alcohol Dependence, Consumption of Alcoholic Energy Drinks and Associated Work Characteristics in the Taiwan Working Population. Alcohol Alcohol2012 Jul;47(4):372-9(Original Article)(SCI) 全文
  5. Cheng WJ, Cheng Y. Effects of alcoholic energy drinks on occupational safety and health: current conditions and intervention policies. Taiwan J Public Health. 2012 Dec;31(6):523-34. (Review article)(In Chinese) (TSSCI) 全文
  6. Cheng WJ, Huang MC, Cheng Y, Chen CH, Chen CJ. Consumption of alcoholic energy drinks is associated with work-related injury or disease among manual workers in Taiwan. Alcohol and alcoholism. 2015 ;50(4): 458-462(Original article)(SCI) 全文
  7. Cheng WJ, Cheng Y. The Drinking Behavior of Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages among Taiwanese Manual        Workers: A Qualitative Approach. Taiwanese J Psychiatry. 2015;29:89-97. (TSSCI)
  8. Cheng WJ*, Cheng Y. Alcohol drinking behaviors and alcohol management policies under outsourcing work conditions: a qualitative study of construction workers in Taiwan. Int J Drug Policy. 2016;28:43-47. (Original Article)(SSCI)全文
  9. Cheng WJ*, Cheng Y. Minor mental disorders in Taiwanese healthcare workers and the associations with psychosocial work conditions. J Formos Med Assoc.2017 Apr;116(4):300-305 (Original Article) (SCI)
  10. Cheng WJ*. Population characteristics and behavior of caffeinated alcoholic beverage consumption. Neuropsychiatry. 2016;6(4), 128–135 (Original Article) (SCI)全文
  11. Cheng WJ, Cheng Y*. Night shift and rotating shift in association with sleep problems, burnout and minor mental disorder in male and female employees. Occup & Environ Med. 2017;116:300-305. (Original Article) (SCI).全文
  12. Yang HJ, Cheng WJ*. Antipsychotic use is a risk factor for hyponatremia in patients with schizophrenia: a 15-year follow-up study. Psychopharmacology. 2017 (Epub) (Original Article) (SCI).全文
  13. Cheng WJ*, Yawen Cheng. Respnse to the letter by Dr. Kawada: Minor mental disorders I Taiwanese healthcare workers and the associations with psychosocial work conditions. J Formos Med Assoc. 2017 (Epub) (Letter) (SCI).全文
  14. Cheng WJ, Lin CC, Cheng Y, Huang MC*. Effects of caffeinated alcoholic beverages with low alcohol and high caffeine content on cognitive and motor functions. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2017 Nov; 32(6) (Epub) (Original article) (SCI).全文
  15. Cheng WJ*, Pien LC. Comparison of international drink-driving policies: The role of drinking pattern. AM J Prev Med. 2018 Jan; (Accepted) (Original article) (SCI).全文
  16. Cheng WJ, Hung LW*. Late chronotype and high social jetlag are associated with burnout in evening shift workers: Assessment using the Chinese-version MCTQshiftChronobiol Int. 2018 Feb; (Accepted) (Original article) (SCI).全文
  17. Cheng WJ, Chun-Hsin Chen, Chih-Ken Chen, Ming-Chyi Huang*, Robert H. Pietrzak, John H. Krystal, Ke Xu. Similar Psychotic and Cognitive Profile between Ketamine Dependence with Persistent Psychosis and Schizophrenia. Schizohprenia Research. 2018, Feb; (Accepted) (Original article)(SCI).全文
  18. 18.  Pien LC, Cheng Y, Cheng WJ*. Psychosocial Safety climate, workplace violence and self-rated health: A multi-level study among hospital nurses. Journal of Nursing Management. 2019 Apr, 27(3):584-591 (Original article) (SCI).全文
  19. Pien LC, Cheng Y, Cheng WJ*. Internal Workplace Violence from Colleagues is More Strongly Associated with Poor Health Outcomes in Nurses than Violence from Patients and Families. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2019 Apr, 75(4):793-800. (Original article) (SCI).全文
  20. Huang MC, Chen LY, Chang HM, Liang XY, Cheng CK, Cheng WJ*, XU K. Decreased blood levels of oxytocin in ketamine-depedent patients during early abstinence. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2018 Nov 26;9:633. (Original article)(SCI).全文
  21. Tsai CH, Cheng WJ, Muo CH, Lin TL*. Fracture as a suicidal behavior risk factor: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Medicine. 2019 Jan; 98(3) (epub ahead) (Original article) (SCI).全文
  22. Chang HM, Chen LY, Fan CY, Kuo YC, Yang TW, Cheng WJ, Huang MC*. Alcohol use pattern, alcohol dependence, and their correlation with driving under the influence in adult first-time DUI offenders in Taipei City. Taiwan Journal of Public Health. 2019 April 38(2):150-162 (Original article) (In Chinese)全文
  23. Cheng WJ*, Pien LC, Cheng Y. Differential effects of employment grade on the association between long working hours and problem drinking. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2019 May 62(5):404-411 (Original Article) (SCI).全文
  24. Cheng WJ*, Chung PH, Cheng Y. Transfer of health care burden of occupational injuries and diseases from labor insurance to national health insurance in Taiwan. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2019 May 62(6):496-502 (Original Article) (SCI). 全文
  25. Cheng WJ, Liang SJ, Huang CS, Lin CL, Pien LC, Hang LW*. Air pollutants are associated with obstructive sleep apnea severity in non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of clinical sleep medicine. 2019 June 15(6):831-837 (Original Article) (SCI).全文
  26. Kuo YC, Chen LY, Chang HM, Yang TW, Huang MC*, Cheng WJ*. Different demographic and drinking profiles of motorcyclists and car drivers with the first-time offense of driving/riding under the influence of alcohol. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2020 Jan;134:105330.全文
  27. Cheng WJ*, Pien LC, Cheng Y. Response to the letter by Dr Kawada: Differential effects of employment grade on the association between long working hours and problem drinking. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2020 Jan 63(1):100 (Letter) (SCI).全文
  28. Cheng WJ*, Härmä M, Ropponen A, Karhula K, Koskinen A, Oksanen T. Shift work and physical inactivity: findings from the Finnish Public Sector Study with objective working hour data. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 2020 May;46(3)293-301 (Original Article)(SCI).全文
  29. Pien LC, Chen IS, Cheng WJ, Cheng Y*. Work-to-family conflict and its associations with workers’ burnout, poor self-rated health and minor mental disorder a survey of general employees in Taiwan. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2020 May (Epub Ahead) (Original Article)(SCI).全文
  30. Cheng WJ*, Pien LC, Kubo T, Cheng Y. Trends in Work Conditions and Associations with Workers’ Health in Recent 15 Years: The role of job automation probability. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 July; 17,5499 (Original Article)(SCI).全文
  31. Hang LW, Huang CS, Cheng WJ*. Clinical characteristics of Asian patients with sleep apnea with low arousal threshold and sleep structure change with continuous positive airway pressure. Sleep and Breathing. 2020 Oct (Epub) (Original Article)(SCI).全文
  32. Cheng WJ*, Pien LC, Cheng Y. Occupational-level automation probability is associated with psychosocial work conditions and workers’ health: A multi-level study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2021 Feb;64(2):108-117 (Original Article)(SCI).
  33. Cheng WJ, Härmä M, Koskinen A, Kivimäki M, Oksanen T, Huang MC*. Intraindividual association between shift work and risk of drinking problems: data from the Finnish Public Sector Cohort. Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2021 Feb (Epub) (Original Article)(SCI).全文
  34. Cheng WJ*, Puttonen S, Vanttola P, Koskinen A, Kivimäki M, Härmä M. Association of shift work with mood disorders and sleep problems according to chronotype: a 17-year cohort study. Chronobiology International. 2021 April;38(4),:518-525 (Original Article) (SCI).全文
  35. Pien LC, Cheng WJ, Chou KR, Lin LC*. Effect of Work–Family Conflict, Psychological Job Demand, and Job Control on the Health Status of Nurses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 March 18, 3450. (Epub) (Original Article) (SCI).全文